Monday 6 May 2013


So, last week I finally got to fo visit the store everyone's been talking about lately – & other stories – and I loved it! Besides a lot of cool, nordic and very minimalistic clothes and accessories they also have a wide (I really mean WIDE) range of beauty products with the most amazing packaging design! I wanted to buy every single product from all the collections, but ended up with these two – a lovely Fig body scrub and a Cherry body lotion, both in amazing "I-want-to-eat-you" pastel colors! Visit the store in real life or online HERE (if you dare!). The concept and the atmosphere of the brand is amazing!

In the photo: Products from &otherstories, Diamant poster by me, Glass Display Case 
from Bloomingville, NYC Skyline Papercut from MoMa Shop In NYC

Photo credit: Katharina Berggreen

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